Friday, December 17, 2021

I need to vet this, but important enough to share now, - VETTED .. it gets worse

 Feel free to comment if you have more info, useful info directly related to this SCIENCE

I will post on CommunityParadox blog as well, for more ties and info about the political side.

1 comment:

  1. Turned out to be fully vetted, and worse than we thought. No one under 50 yrs age should get an mRNA covid vaccine, ever
    It goes to negative efficacy relatively quickly, and gets worse the more boosters you have.


Maturity and Civility expected. There is no such thing as a dumb question. Never let peer pressure keep you from learning. If one cannot resist attempting to insult someone, it must be witty AND entertaining, as you are gambling your ability to comment on whether *I* agree that it IS. And remember, this is a two-way street, so don't dish it out if you are unable to receive it in kind. For those who speak before thinking, as the most brilliant often do, remember what Mother said, "If you CAN'T say anything Nice, DON'T say anything at ALL." Most true Wisdom is timeless.