Saturday, May 22, 2021

"Hmm, Okay, That's Interesting": GOP Congressman Practically Laughs At J...

I don't trust corporations that much these days, so investigate if these claims about pipelines are true, and HOW true they are.  I believe they are, but have only heard minimal science or information about it.

This is going to come up a lot, so it would be good to know.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Dr. Pierre Kory Talks About Human Rights and The Big Science Disinformation

Global Warming: Fact or Fiction? Featuring Physicists Willie Soon and El...

It's time to address REAL science vs. Consensus Science
Climate change is real, HOWEVER it's normally EXAGGERATED 
I will share 3 videos on this subject, this one because it's fun, and most familiar with the sun,

One because it is the most solid evidence of reality by one of the most experienced scientists

One because it looks at the balanced view of the climate change problem weighed with the effects from the economic factors caused by climate change policy, to find the optimum path for most help with least harm.  Something that needs to be done with the pandemic as well, but in another post.