Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Vit D deficiency studies, proper studies, are probably a victim of this kind of thinking...


Why the studies have not been done yet!

Edit: 25sep2021
During the pandemic, thought it was just greed of so much money (Hundreds of BILLIONS) stopping Ivermectin approval, but because it works with Vit D and zinc and makes your immune system work better, it's going to work vs so much more, other diseases, huge hit to the "bottom line" of the pharma industry

But health should matter first!!!

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Maturity and Civility expected. There is no such thing as a dumb question. Never let peer pressure keep you from learning. If one cannot resist attempting to insult someone, it must be witty AND entertaining, as you are gambling your ability to comment on whether *I* agree that it IS. And remember, this is a two-way street, so don't dish it out if you are unable to receive it in kind. For those who speak before thinking, as the most brilliant often do, remember what Mother said, "If you CAN'T say anything Nice, DON'T say anything at ALL." Most true Wisdom is timeless.